USM 69i
  • USM 69i
무료배송 수입대행

USM 69i

QR 코드 공유
Dual Capsule Stereo Design,Dual Amplifier Stages,Variable Stereo Patterns,Customize Each Capsule Pattern,Also Operates in Mono
30% 9,800,000
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
USM 69i
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액







The USM 69 i stereo microphone has two separate dual-diaphragm capsules. These are mounted vertically and rotate against each other. The directional polar patterns can be selected separately for each capsule. The capsules operate independently from each other.
The USM 69 i condenser stereo microphone is a studio microphone for intensity stereo recording. It is suitable for XY and MS recordings.
The microphone consists of the amplifier section and the capsule head. The amplifier section contains two microphone amplifiers operating independently from each other. They have an extremely low self noise.
Two completely separate microphone capsules are positioned closely above each other within the capsule head. Their diaphragms are made out of gold-sputtered polyester film. The upper capsule rotates against the lower one over a range of 270°. Color markings on the lower capsule system help to identify the angle by which the upper capsule has been rotated.
When sound waves reach the microphone capsules from different directions they will generate audio signals with different intensity only, but not with time differences, since the capsules are in close proximity and the sound arrives at both capsules simultaneously. The result is an intensity stereo signal that can be summed together for excellent mono compatibility without causing interference.
Polar patterns
The USM 69 i has two built-in rotary switches. The five polar patterns of both capsules can be selected at the microphone itself. Therefore, no special AC power supply units or powering adapters are necessary.
The two outputs attach directly to any 48 V phantom powered connectors.
In addition to the usual polar patterns: omnidirectional, cardioid, and figure-8, we have added a hypercardioid and a wide-angle cardioid pattern.
A built-in DC converter generates the required capsule polarizing voltages.
Electrical features
The amplifiers feature high output capability and extremely low self noise. Distant sound sources, as well as very loud sound sources at close range can therefore be recorded without any problem.
Each amplifier has an active filter. It effectively suppresses subsonic interference as caused by wind or structure borne noise. At the same time, the filter prevents the output transformers from overloading through very low frequency energy.
Use as a mono microphone
The microphones may also be used as completely independent mono microphones. There are many applications when it is important to have a second mono microphone as a backup, or when the outputs of microphones with different polar response characteristics must be available simultaneously.
The outputs of the two microphone channels can be linked (cascaded). In addition to the individual directional patterns, other characteristics are available through the combination of both channels.
Operational safety
Both microphone systems operate completely independent from each other.
The second amplifier will be unaffected, even in case of a faulty ground of the supply voltage for one of the channels, or a short circuit in one of the outputs.
The microphone is reliable in mono usage, even if only one of the systems is operated and connected. Its simple and redundant circuitry guarantees a low failure rate.
Should the DC converter ever fail, a diode circuit within the microphone ensures that both systems will remain operational. The cardioid pattern is automatically chosen. The sensitivity is reduced by 3 dB.
  • Switchable stereo microphones
  • Two pressure-gradient transducers with double membrane capsules
  • MS- or XY-stereophony
  • Capsules rotary by 270°
  • Very low noise
  • Aperture and pick-up angles freely choosable
  • Directional characteristics reproducably switchable, omni, wide angle cardioid, cardioid, hypercardioid, figure-8

















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50,000원 이상무료




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※출고지: 마포/홍대

기본적으로 착불이며, 구매금액이  50,000원 이상일때에는 요금에서 4,000원을 차감해드립니다.  
                    기본가격에 준하여 거리, 화물내용, 도착시간의 상황에 따라 달라 질 수 있습니다.
※주의사항: 오후 6시 이후, 토요일, 우천시 할증요금이 부과될 수 있습니다.




~2일 이내(제작상품 및 수입대행제외)


지역별로 5일~15일

배송 가능지역

전세계 EMS협력국


지역나라별 크기와 무게 요금상이

※해외배송: 한국에서 해외로 배송시 가장 저렴한 EMS배송 이용합니다.
※비용산출/  30kg이내/ 가장 긴 길이 3M 이내제품
※기타해외배송: 제품의 부피나 무게가 클 경우 가장 저렴한 운송방법 및 비용을 신속하게 산출해드립니다.


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일부 상품은 한번 사용으로 세균번식이 발생하는 제품(유선 마이크, 무선마이크등)의 경우, 교환, 환불이 불가능하는 제품도 있으므로 구매시 유의
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USM 69i
  • USM 69i

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상단으로 이동
USM 69i 9,800,000원 / 배송비 : 3,500원 주문시결제(선결제)
USM 69i
총 결제 예정금액